As we move to health and wholeness in our personal lives and health for our clients, we also support the health and wholeness of our community.
For us a healthy community means a community that is sustainable for the long run;
- Takes into consideration the environment, our air, water, soil;
- the health of the individuals that make up the community-accessible healthcare and shelter
- a fair, just and participatory economy. One that meets the needs of all members of the community.
Concerned about inequity in our community, we have tutored, participated in food drives, clothing and other community project drives. As volunteer legislative activists, we have educated and lobbied for legislation resolving hunger, poverty and inequity in Washington and the US. For many years we have volunteered and supported a wide span of organizations. We would like to share them with you:
Abe Keller Peace Education Fund (Jerome is current President)
Abe Keller Peace Education Fund “to recognize, stimulate and provide financial support for projects that advance peace education in the Puget Sound Community.”
Compassionate Action Network
“Compassionate Seattle is a network of self-organizing groups who share a common vision for a compassionate region and world. The objective is awakening compassion in our children, ourselves and the world.”
“A new non-profit network of residents and local independent businesses that share a vision for a sustainable local economy – a living economy – one that’s rooted in local ownership, a healthy environment, and strong community. ” Click here to see “Why Buy Local”. Jerome and Corinne were Founding members.
“The Natural Choice Directory is a comprehensive guide for green and healthy living. It is both a local directory and a rich source of information for green businesses, natural health care, natural food stores and services, and resources for spiritual practice.” http://www.naturalchoice.net
Puget Consumer Co-operative Farmland Fund
PCC Farmland Trust secures, preserves and stewards threatened farmland in the Northwest, ensuring that generations of local farmers productively farm using sustainable, organic growing methods.
Help preserve local organic farmland forever. http://www.pccfarmlandtrust.org
Community Alliance for Global Justice
Community Alliance for Global Justice educates and mobilizes with individuals and organizations to strengthen local economies everywhere. CAGJ is grassroots, community-based and committed to anti-oppressive organizing as we build solidarity across diverse movements. CAGJ seeks to transform unjust trade and agricultural policies and practices imposed by corporations, governments and other institutions while creating and supporting alternatives that embody social justice, sustainability, diversity and grassroots democracy. http://www.seattleglobaljustice.org
An advocacy organization dedicated to improving the health, safety, and economic well being of children in Washington state. http://www.childrensalliance.org
Green Lake Chamber of Commerce
The Green Lake Chamber of Commerce in Seattle, Washington is a friendly neighborhood network of Green Lake businesses focused on success, community involvement and mutual support. It is open to anyone. http://www.greenlakechamber.com
Statewide Poverty Action Network
The Statewide Poverty Action Network builds grassroots power to end causes of poverty and create opportunities for everyone to prosper. http://www.povertyaction.org
Washington UU Voices for Justice (Jerome and Corinne Co-Founders)
WA UU Voices’ 2013-14 Legislative Priorities:
Immigration reform, Death penalty repeal and criminal justice reform, Coal train prohibition and environmental protection, and Revenue and taxation reform. http://www.uuvoiceswa.org
The Seattle group serves Seattle and Shoreline, and focuses on local issues, including improving public transit, reducing waste, environmental justice, and endorsing and supporting green candidates. http://cascade.sierraclub.org/directory/groups/sea
Founded in 1970, the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) is the oldest and largest nonprofit law firm dedicated to asserting and defending the rights of Indian tribes, organizations and individuals nationwide.
NARF’s practice is concentrated in five key areas: the preservation of tribal existence; the protection of tribal natural resources; the promotion of Native American human rights; the accountability of governments to Native Americans; and the development of Indian law and educating the public about Indian rights, laws, and issues. http://www.narf.org
Through Environment Washington, thousands of citizen members are teaming up with a professional staff to stand up for the places we love and the environmental values we share. http://www.environmentwashington.org
Green America: Economic Action for a Just Planet
“…harnessing the economic power to create a socially just and economically sustainable society”. http://www.greenamerica.org
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) is a nonsectarian organization that advances human rights and social justice in the United States and around the world.
Jerome and Corinne volunteered for UUSC during their ten year Promise The Children Campaign to End Childhood Hunger. We helped organize educational and service projects such as mentoring and tutoring programs, ran legislative advocacy campaigns. http://www.UUSC.org