Touch for Health – Applied Kinesiology


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A session consists of the practitioner checking the ability of different muscles to see if they respond when asked to resist in certain positions.  The balancing occurs by stimulating different related points on the body.

A Wholistic Approach—Balancing the body…

• Bio-Mechanically
• Bio-Chemically
• Bio-Energetically
• Bio-Emotionally

Touch for Health Book: photo by AbintraThis is a useful therapy if you are feeling out of balance somehow and you can’t put your finger on it or feeling symptoms that just do not respond to other treatments. Its a great way of maintaining a healthy balanced body and mind.

Touch for Health is a form of Applied Kinesiology. It was developed by Dr. John F. Thie, a chiropractor who extended the ideas of a fellow chiropractor, Dr. George Goodheart.

TFH uses a method of testing muscles that was developed to test and treat polio victims in the beginning of the nineteenth century. As Chinese medicine opened up to the West, the relationship of the muscles to energetic systems in the body was integrated into TFH.

Click here for video—a variation on Touch for Health. (There is a short advertisement at the beginning that you can ignore. It is an interesting video.)


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