Massage Benefits



  • Increasing your cardio vascular circulation, thereby oxygenating and nourishing every cell in your body from nerves to brains, muscles and joints, organs and skin.
  • Improving the detoxification process of your lymphatics, vessels that rhythmically pump metabolic wastes into the core of your body to be recycled.
  • Cleansing your muscles of metabolic waste and tonifying and refreshing them.
  • Calming your nervous system, quieting your mind and releasing muscle tension.
  • Improving your organ function and metabolism.
  • Supporting your skin health.
  • Promoting renewed energy.
  • Stimulating your healing process.
  • Releasing the muscular tension that results in poor posture (and resetting a more balanced posture.)
  • Improving flexibility and joint mobility (and learning how to maintain it.)
  • Increasing endorphins, improving mood and relieving pain.




The best time to have a massage? When you don’t need it and you can enjoy it most! Massage integrated into your lifestyle, along with eating high phytonutrient foods, herbs, mushrooms and supplements, movement and breathwork can do wonders for your health and help prevent injuries and illnesses.

Burned Out?
People often come for massage when they are emotionally stressed. Their energy reserves are depleted. They just need soothing comfort, a quiet place and tools to renew themselves.

All Knotted Up?
The most common use of massage is for muscle tension, strains, sprains or tears, in that order. Normally soft tissue should be pliable but with bounce, a responsiveness or tone; muscles, tendons, ligaments and organs should all move around each other freely and separately, so they can fulfill their different functions.

Come for massage when you feel wound up and tense: or if you strained your muscles and joints from either extreme force or over-stretching. Over-use or extreme force causes a shortening of the muscle, what we clinically call hyper-tonicity, which with no stretching or massage can become ropey, adhered and susceptible to tears later. Under-used muscles can become flaccid, hypotonic, weak and unresponsive making their opposing muscles tighten . Severe contraction or stretching can cause tearing of the tiny microfilaments of the muscle belly, tearing of the muscle from its attachment to the tendon or the tearing of ligaments from itself or from bone.

On another level, repetitive movement or postures thicken and adhere the fishnet-like fascia that weaves in between muscles and ligaments, around bones and organs. This fascial tissue crosses beyond singular muscles along pathways of gravity, force, energy and use.   So the inactivity or tightening of one region of the body can restrict movement through out the rest of the body along these fascial/energetic lines of force.

When there is a sprain or tear, there will likely be reddness, heat, swelling, possibly discoloration and pain.  But you may also note a stiffening through out other parts of your body as well.

Coming in for massage in the early stages of tension may prevent this. Upon injury, after icing, massage and movement can help to drain the area of the metabolic wastes and extra fluids formed from the swelling; nourish the tissue with new fluids and trigger a relaxation response releasing the contraction, guarding and adhesions of the tissue and keep the fibers separated from each other.

Spasms are sustained powerful involuntary contractions of the muscle; they can be caused by physical trauma or by a chemical, hormonal or nutritional imbalance. Particular types of massage release spasming and thereafter relieve the trauma caused to the tissue from spasming. Certain Essential Oils can be helpful at the time of cramping and applied frequently relieve the occurrence of spasms.  it may also be useful to see a naturopath or allopathic physician who can assess any organic imbalances.

Joints Hurting…Feeling Off Kilter?
Joint pain, inflammation and swelling also can be caused by multiple factors. Nutritional deficiencies can cause drying and eventual deterioration of the joint capsule. Structural misalignment, muscular tension or blocked energy( Qi) can pull the bones out of place which over time can also cause joint deterioration. Something as simple as poor shoes can cause ineffective skeletal functioning leading to joint pain. Massage can stimulate better nutritional functioning, but it really is most direct and effective for stimulating pain-relieving endorphins, relaxing the tight muscles and fascia contributing to poor joint function, and reducing swelling.

If your bones have been pulled out of their most natural and effective alignment, massage can relax the muscles enough so the bones go naturally into place, However, in cases of severe chronic misalignment or the tissue not responding to massage, we encourage people receive osteopathic, chiropractic or physiotherapy treatments in conjunction with massage to support the bones moving into their natural positioning until they begin to recognize where they should be.

Going In for Surgery?
Pre and post surgical massage has been scientifically proven to be effective in increasing circulation, nourishing of the tissues, lowering the stress response and increasing healing. Massage can be a real gift when preparing for surgery or for rehabilitation.

Trauma comes in many forms, from physical and emotional abuse, to accidents sustained at work, in an auto or playing sports, etc. In our sessions, we honor your whole being from traumatized tissue to a traumatized spirit.

Life Transitions
Life brings many changes; from the physical aches and hormonal shifts of puberty, the process of individualizing and finding one’s identity, to the educational and professional rites of passage, to partnering, solo-ing it, birthing, illness and dying.

Children and young adults go through tremendous cultural and physio-chemical changes. Respectful boundary-safe massage eases the growing pains and supports a comfortable sense of self.

Pregnancy affects one’s physical sense of oneself, one’s hormones and self-image. Massage during pregnancy can be used to feel more comfortable with the changes going on and ease any associated discomforts. Massage provides a good time to prepare both physically and emotionally for the birth.   We provide helpful exercises and tips for the pregnant mother.  After the birth, physical re-integration is important as well as healing any distressed tissue.  Bringing in one’s newborn, you can get a demonstration on ways to massage your infant that can give you greater confidence to share this special way of bonding.

Even joyful passages often times can contain stress. It is nice to go into those times present and centered in your body-being.

Death is a part of the cycle of life: a most important transition. Whether we fight it or peacefully succumb to it; whether the process is slow or quick, massage can be a gentle companion.

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